Sunday, April 3, 2011

Two different worlds..

Hi friends,
Have you ever heard someone say “that does sound good, but remember everything can change in a second”?

I'm sure that you have heard that comment when proposing something that has to do with money. That is the context that I have heard it in throughout the last couple of weeks.

I have recently been debating making a major financial decision and this comment has been all I have heard. Well did you know that there is a way to actually decrease the likelihood of this statement becoming reality?

I have noticed that this comment has always come from people that have normal jobs, ya know the 9 to 5 or 7 to 3, whatever it may be. But the reason I am beginning by pointing this fact out is because this statement is not true for me, and the reason for it is that I am a business owner.

I own my own business...that is what changes everything. I just have to sit back and shake my head when I hear someone say “everything can change in a second”.

Let me explain why this IS true for those with “jobs”
when you work for a company you don't really have any control. The irony of it is that most people in this situation always preach “get a good, secure job” when really true security is going to come from control. And like I said you don't have any working for someone else. If the owners of your company decide they want to retire, and sell the company to someone that has never ran a business in their live. Your secure job of 15 years could be non-existent within a couple of months. Not to mention the fear of being laid off that many people are dealing with now days.
From the paragraph above you could agree that yeah everything could change in a second.

But......if you were in my situation. I control the following,
-how much I get paid
-when I go into work
-how long I work
-if I work at all

These are the reasons I have made the choice in my life to be an entrepreneur, and I would like to see others do the same. The fact is Business is fairly fast paced and isn't the easiest thing in the world, but you have more time to react as an owner than as an employee. When your employer gathers everyone together, to tell them they're getting laid off, don't let them fool you. They will tell you they didn't know this was coming but the truth is that they knew four months ago.

When you are the owner you have much more control and time to fix your problems. Lets look at a couple of situations.

Situation #1Your employer had a meeting today and told you that you may be getting laid off within the next 4 weeks.
What you can do: nothing, work harder and still get laid off, suck it up and wait for it.
Really the fact is that there isn't anything that YOU can really do that's going to make any difference. You could work harder, try to be more productive, and come in early and work for free for a couple of minutes. But the problem usually isn't anything to do with the employees of a company. It has to do with the business dealings of the company and that is what leads us to situation # 2.

Situation #2
This is the situation I would encounter as the business owner.
So I am going through the profit and loss data, and notice that I am moving more towards the red every month, and If the company keeps going the way it is it will be in the red ( negative cashflow) by the end of next month.
What can I do:
Increase marketing, increase advertising, cut expenses, reorganize systems, and many more.
As you can see from the information that I have provided, the place you want to be is on the owner side of the table. Many people are thinking to themselves right now
“i didn't go to school for an MBA, and I have never owned a business, how is it you are going to tell me I should own my own now”
starting a business is expensive, and the loan I would have to take out would only put me in a worse financial situation”
well I have a solution to both of these problems, which I will write about in my next blog entitled “the new way of business” so keep an eye out for the next day or too.

talk to you soon
your teacher in financial education,
Brad Smith

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Monday, March 28, 2011

Don't be robbed.....Don't sell your gold.

Hello everyone,

I'm am writing today to try to warn you about selling your gold, why it is a horrible idea, and why there is really no benefit to you at all.

First off I want to say that if you are one of the people out there buying the gold, you are probably not going to like what I am about to say, but I cannot just sit back and watch people be bought into this scheme going on.

For anyone that doesn't watch TV, or go to the mall, or leave the house, let me tell you what we are talking about here. Lately there has been a large number of people forming businesses that will offer you cash for your gold. Of course there has always been jewelers, and other businesses of the like that would buy your gold, but until the past couple of years there hasn't been such a large number of these establishments.

Now what I am amazed at is that these stores suddenly popped up, and nobody ever said “why?” “why are there so many people wanting to buy my gold?” AND these people are willing to just hand out cash during a time of economic recession. All these weird things are happening and everyone is so blinded by the instant cash slogan that they don't even question why these people want their gold so bad.

Well everyone get ready to have the biggest “wow” moment of your week.

Back in 1971 something huge happened, in 1971 president Nixon without the approval of congress separated the dollar from gold. Before 1971 our U.S. Dollar was backed by gold meaning 1 dollar equaled X amount of gold. Because of this inflation was very slow, since the dollar was backed by gold, there had to be more or less gold for the value of the dollar to change. Although after Nixon separated the dollar from gold, it no longer was money but it was now a currency.

How does this effect us you ask?

Well since the dollar was no longer backed by gold, if the government wanted more money in circulation all they had to do was print more, and that's what they did. Have you ever wondered how you could measure the value of you dollar? Probably not but if you ever do the rest of this paragragh can help.The fact is that gold doesn't really change in value very much. In order for it to change, either more gold has to be mined, or more has to be used up. So if you hear someone say “gold just went up in value today” you should saw to them “no your cash went down in value”. The reason for this is, when the federal reserve prints more money, as they did when you heard about all these bailouts, the value of the dollar goes down.

Let me explain like this.

You have 50 dollars today,
Tomorrow the federal reserve prints off 25 trillion dollars and puts it into circulation,
I'm sorry but your 50 dollars is not worth fifty dollars anymore it might be worth 48 dollars.
Simple supply and demand.

What i'm saying is that every time the federal reserve prints more money, our dollar goes down in value. The problem is that many people don't notice it. Since nobody is going around and changing our $50 bills to $48 bills,we still think it is worth $50. So if our dollar is no longer worth the same amount and there is no way to physically go around and change dollar bills, how do you think they compensate for this lose in value. You have heard the word before....its called “inflation”. We have all heard the stories of parents and grandparents, and you have probably experienced it yourself. Do you really think that a pack of gum is worth a dollar more to people nowadays than it did to people 30 years ago?

NO, the pack of gum is still worth the same amount what has changed is the value of the dollar you buy the gum with!

So if you have read the first portion of this article you should be starting to realize why these people want to buy your gold so bad. They have done their study of history and know that the dollar is losing value so they want to buy you gold, because gold is something that doesn't lose value. This is the part that really frustrates me.

They are trading you something of tremendous value (your gold) for something that isn't worth dittley squak( cash money)!

So what I am saying if I am saying anything at all is DO NOT SELL YOUR GOLD!!

You are giving away something that actually has value for something that is really just worthless.
If people don't realize what is going on, when all is said and done, they are going to be left with 2000 dollars or whatever amount they turn in which in ten years could be worth 20 bucks. While the guys that bought all this gold now have a pile of gold worth billions maybe even trillions

You have to realize also that if you have one million dollars in the bank today and don't touch it until you retire, by the time you retire your one million may only be worth the equivalent of 100,000 today. So you need to not only save money but also learn how to make it make you more money, but that is a topic for another time.

talk to you later,
Brad Smith

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Its not your bosses fualt you arent paid enough.

If you ever feel like you are not paid what you are worth at your job. Or you wish YOU could decide when you get a raise, not your boss. Well I'm here to help.

The first thing you have to do if you want to make more money is this. You must realize that it is not your bosses fault you don't make enough. It is not the companies fault either.

I know how it feels to always be waiting for and wanting a raise, even going from job to job to get more pay. I know how this feels because for about 1 year after I got out of high school this is what I did too.

Luckily for me I was introduced to a very intelligent mentor that showed me where the real freedom and money in life was. Shortly after meeting this mentor I started my own lawn care and landscaping business.

From this last paragraph you can probably tell that the place where the freedom and money are is in owning your own business. My company is quite successful and very profitable, but there is two things that stop a lot of people from taking this route. First is lack of money, I will admit starting a business usually isn't cheap. It cost me about 10 grand to start my company. The second reason is the lack of ambition.

I apologize but I must be blunt. If you don't have what you want in life, whatever it may be, money, freedom, strong relationships, ect. It is mainly because you haven't tried hard enough. This is the main reason people spend their entire lives doing something they hate and not living the life they want to live. If you want to improve your life the only one that can do that is you! You can't sit back and say “i wish I had more money, I wish I was successful like that” and then it just going to happen.

No you have to get out there and make a move, take action, take control! This is your life if you don't take action to change it then its never going to change!

Now I didn't write this to put anyone down, I wrote this to lift people up, to provide people with an opportunity. I have found a way for you to start a business of your own and make the same money I make and have the same freedom with your schedule, but you want have to use 10 grand to start it. You wont even pay 1 grand.


If you are ready to take actual action in your life, then you NEED to learn about this opportunity. So just submit your name and email below to be sent more information.